Everyone, meet Tyler and Leah. Where do I even begin!? I’ve written and re-written about what it’s been like to get to know these two, and finally erased it all. They mean a lot to us; Tyler was in the high school small group that my husband led for four years, and we’ve had the opportunity to get to know Leah through Mongolian Grill double dates over the last two years or so. Leah’s personality brings out the best in Tyler, and capturing them through the lens was a highlight of the week for me; we all laughed our way through the entire shoot. This location in particular was special to them, because early on in their relationship, they would sit on a bench by the bridge (shown below) for hours as they talked to get to know one another. I was honored to take these photographs, and can’t wait for their wedding this winter. Thank you, Tyler and Leah! We love you guys!