Meet Natalie

September 19, 2014

Occasionally I have an exceptional shoot. This is one of those occasions. Although, it’s not the photos that I’m talking about, it’s the individual in the photos and the mother-in-law outside of each frame. I’ve written and rewritten and just have too much to say here. So, I’ll simplify. The post-processing of Natalie’s images has been a lot more of an emotional process than I expected. Nonetheless, I’m happy to present to you, my favorite senior. I can’t help but beam with pride over how far she has come this last year; she is radiant. For the first time ever, I imagine my images as prints rather than digital files; sifting through them reminds me of what a ineffable blessing she is; overcoming obstacles with joy and emanating Jesus’ grace and beauty all in one.

Natalie Grace, I am filled with love and thankfulness for you. Words can’t amount to how eager and expectant I am to see how you and Jesus impact the world together. Go with boldness, gentleness, authority, and humility. With a combo like that, coupled with the strength that the Lord gives you, you are beyond capable of anything you put your hands to.